Back into Photography

small white flowers on a tiny bush

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m finally finding myself becoming interested in photography again. Perhaps it’s because I don’t have the pressure of trying to make a living off of it, or perhaps my skills have gotten dusty enough that I figure it’s time to work on it. Either way, the camera’s are coming back out and I’m enjoying it once more… and remembering how expensive all the little extras can be! I’m going to have to pace myself and slowly grow my inventory of photography tools, not the least of which is a macro lens.

And I’ll have to relearn how to do post production. I forgot how important it is!

Here’s the before and after of a blueberry flower that I took the other day:

Lightroom screenshot of a small flower before and after editing

I didn’t do much to it, brightened it up a bit, made the image a bit sharper, but it looks a world better than it did straight out of the camera. I used to take this to mean that I was a bad photographer, but I’m more comfortable with the idea that my work will need to be straightened up a bit now that I’m a little older and a little less timid.


My husband has no background in photography, but has been enjoying it immensely. He has a fantastic eye for composition and is a quick study when it comes to the technical aspects of photography. More than that, though, he’s willing to take the time to try out new things and experiment. I’m definitely trying to take a page from his book on that one!

Please, let us know what you think. The only way we progress is through constructive feedback, right?
